关于「 cabe」的内容列表

Illinois proposes bitcoin reserve bill that would require a holding period of at least 5 years

Illinois Congressman John Cabello introduced HB1844, which proposes the establishment of a strategic bitcoin reserve fund at the state Treasury. The bill, which requires bitcoin to be held in state custody for at least five years before it is allowed to be transferred, sold or converted into other cryptocurrencies, has been sent to the rules committee for final approval by lawmakers.

2025-01-30 16:55:32

伊利诺伊州议员 John Cabello 提出 HB1844 法案,提议在州财政部设立战略性比特币储备基金。 该法案规定,比特币进入州政府托管后必须持有至少 5 年,之后才允许进行转让、出售或转换为其他加密货币。该法案目前已提交至规则委员会,等待立法者最终批准。

2025-01-30 16:55:32
A US judge has ruled that Trump's "attempted assassination" suspect will remain in custody while his case is being heard

Florida Judge Ryon McCabe has ruled at a hearing that Ryan Routh, a suspect in the Florida assassination of former President Donald Trump, will remain in custody while his case is heard. The judge found that the evidence presented by prosecutors was sufficient to support the continued detention of Mr. Rouse, who was charged in his initial court appearance with two firearms-related offenses, including possession of a firearm as a convicted felon and possession of an erased serial number.

2024-09-24 09:55:38

美国佛罗里达州法官麦凯布(Ryon McCabe)在听证会上裁定,涉嫌在佛州暗杀前总统特朗普的嫌疑人瑞安·劳斯(Ryan Routh)在案件审理期间将继续被拘留。 法官认为,检方提供的证据充分,支持将劳斯继续羁押。此前,劳斯首次出庭时被指控两项与枪支有关的违法行为,其中包括作为被定罪的重罪犯持有枪支以及持有序列号被抹去的...

2024-09-24 09:55:38
A US judge has ruled that Trump's "attempted assassination" suspect will remain in custody while his case is being heard

On the 23rd local time, Florida Judge Ryan McCabe ruled at a hearing that Ryan Routh, a suspect suspected of assassinating former President Trump in Florida, will continue to be detained during the trial of the case. The judge found that the prosecution provided sufficient evidence to support the continued detention of Routh. Previously, Routh was charged with two firearms-related offenses in his first court appearance, including possession of firearms as a convicted felon and possession of...

2024-09-24 03:59:54